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Created by a certified teacher

CEFR aligned

All levels are available

A 12-week guided course to help you speak Russian with confidence, connect with the rich culture and enjoy the journey

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Hi there!

I'm Yana, a native Russian speaker and certified teacher (since 2008!) with a deep understanding of where the struggle gets real. See, I know the feeling of staring at a textbook denser than a Tolstoy novel. And the frustration of trying to decipher online resources that have more exceptions than rules.

But here's the thing: learning Russian doesn't have to leave you feeling like you're caught in a whirlwind of the Kalinka dance, unsure of the next move. My Russian superpower? Taking the 'ouch' out of Russian and making the journey enjoyable (maybe even a little addictive!).

With over a decade of teaching under my belt, I've crafted a method that helps you get Russian. Think clear explanations, engaging activities, and ditching the mind-numbing overload. That's the magic behind "Speak Russian in 12 Weeks" – your key to unlocking those conversations, understanding the cultural quirks, and feeling that "a-ha!" moment that makes it all click.


Join me and let's transform your Russian journey together.

Ditch Confusion, Unlock Conversation

Where You Are Now

Lost in a whirlwind of online resources, unsure which ones actually work.

Lacking opportunities to practise and feel your confidence grow.

Wanting to understand the cultural references and humour, but feeling like an outsider.

Where You'll Be in 12 Weeks

Enjoying a clear, guided path where everything makes sense.


Speaking with Russian friends and colleagues with newfound ease.


Understanding the rich nuances of Russian culture, feeling connected.

Ready to transform your Russian journey in 12 weeks?

Say goodbye to overwhelm! Make learning Russian enjoyable (and effective!) with "Speak Russian in 12 Weeks".

Russian Step-By-Step

Conquer the language, one manageable chunk at a time (no Tolstoy-length chapters!).

Learn With Ease

Ditch the complicated textbooks; I explain things so even my small twin boys could understand.

Real Progress

Track your journey from hesitant beginner to confident communicator.

My Support

I'm your troubleshooting teammate, and occasional translator of questionable Russian memes.

But wait, there's more!

CEFR Aligned

Seamlessly navigate from beginner (A1) to confident communicator (C1+) – perfect if you plan to test!


Community Connection

Find your tribe! Laugh at mistakes together and celebrate even the smallest victories.

Real-World Conversations

From casual chats about the weather to discussing Russian music and literature – expand your conversational horizons.

Cultural Passport

Discover a fascinating culture beyond the language – it's about more than just Swan Lake and Tchaikovsky (although those are legendary).

Learning with Laughter

Let's keep it light. Grammar can be fun (believe it or not!).

Unlock Your Russian Potential Today

Your step-by-step path to fluency in just 12 weeks. Click to see what's inside, chapter-by-chapter below.

Russian might seem a bit tricky with all those cases and verb stuff, but no worries — I'm here for you.


We'll kick things off with the essentials, beginning with the Russian alphabet. In just 12 weeks, you'll be confidently introducing yourself, chatting about your home, hobbies, and family, ordering food, shopping for clothes, discussing your future plans, and even nailing small talk about the weather and more!

You've got a handle on Russian basics, telling your genitive from your dative. It's time for more!

A2 builds on your Beginners course success, delving into adjective and pronoun cases, exploring imperfective and perfective verbs. Polish your skills to become a more confident Russian speaker.

Take your Russian to new heights with the B1 level.


This course is designed to elevate your Russian skills with a focus on expanding vocabulary and tackling trickier grammar concepts. In just 12 weeks, you'll craft more complex sentences, freely express your thoughts, and feel at ease in conversations. Your journey to fluency is well underway!

Ready for the next level of Russian mastery?


In B2, we dive deep into intricate grammar, enrich your vocabulary, and refine your language skills. After 12 weeks, you'll wield advanced Russian with confidence, expressing yourself fluently in diverse situations.

Congratulations on reaching this far!


In C1+, elevate your language skills to an exceptional level by mastering subtleties that set you apart as a sophisticated speaker, and unlock even more avenues for linguistic growth.

Is This Course Right For Me?

"Speak Russian in 12 Weeks" is perfect for:

Busy Individuals: You need a structured yet flexible programme, with lessons designed to fit into a packed schedule.

Dedicated Learners: You're ready to put in consistent effort. While I make learning enjoyable, mastering a language takes work – and I'll support you every step of the way!

Curious Minds: You're fascinated by Russian language and culture, eager to explore beyond basic phrases.

Community Seekers: You crave connection with fellow learners to share the journey and celebrate together.

This course might not be the best fit if...

You're seeking a magic solution. Languages take dedication, but I'll make the process much smoother (and more fun!).

You're resistant to putting in effort. Learning Russian is rewarding, but it does require a willingness to practice and engage with lessons.

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