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Russian Summer Vocabulary & the Best Summer Places in Russia

Writer: YanaYana

Updated: Jul 20, 2021

Are you travelling to Russia этим летом (this summer) or simply want to brush up on your Russian vocabulary? In this lesson, I'd like to share some useful Russian words and phrases для вашего летнего отпуска (for your summer holiday). Get ready к приключению (for an adventure)!

Russian Summer Vocabulary & the Best Summer Places to Visit in Russia

Russian Summers

Many people думают о России (think of Russia) as a country where it's always cold, so much so that when I tell them that it's actually очень жарко (very hot) in summer (even in Siberia), only a few believe it. In Moscow, for example, temperatures can rise from -30 °C degrees in winter to over 30 °C degrees in summer, especially в июле (in July), usually the hottest month.

In Russia, summer officially begins on June 1st and ends on August 31st. Russian summers are relatively short, so Russians make the most of it before it starts to cool down in September. Чтобы насладиться солнцем (to enjoy the sun), many Russians уезжают за город (go to the countryside) and проводят свои отпуска (spend their holidays) на дачах (in “dachas” - summer homes). Others like to travel further afield to experience Russia's breathtaking scenery or regional cuisines.

Russian Summer Vocabulary

Russian Summer Activities

You will see many Russians загорающих на пляжах (sunbathing on the beaches) from the Baltic Sea in the westernmost region of Russia, the Black Sea in the south of the country to the Sea of Okhotsk in the Russian Far East. Grab your купальник (swimsuit) and шлёпанцы (flip flops)!

But there's more to Russian summers than just lying on the beaches whilst eating мороженое (ice cream) and sipping коктейли (cocktails). Russia offers a lot more: superb пешие прогулки (trekking), конные прогулки (horse riding), сплав по горным рекам (rafting), полёты на параплане (paragliding), подъёмы в горы (mountain climbing) to get your endorphins going.

Here are some more useful Russian words related to summer activities:

Какая прекрасная погода Such wonderful weather

Сегодня солнечно / тепло / жарко It's sunny / warm / hot today

Вчера было ветрено It was windy yesterday

Путешествовать To travel

Фотографировать To take photos

Посещать музей / театр / галерею To visit a museum / a theatre / a gallery

Я иду на прогулку To go for a walk

Отдыхать на море To be on holiday by the sea

Наслаждаться закатом To enjoy the sunset

Наблюдать за рассветом To experience the sunrise

Дышать чистым горным воздухом To breathe in pure mountain air

Ходить на пляж To go to the beach

Я люблю загорать на пляже I like sunbathing on the beach

Купаться в море To swim in the sea

Играть в волейбол / футбол To play volleyball / football

Есть мороженое To eat ice cream

Есть фрукты / ягоды To eat fruit / berries

Есть арбуз To eat a watermelon

Пить коктейль To drink a cocktail 

Собирать землянику To pick strawberries

Ходить на пикник To go on a picnic

Делать шашлыки To make kebabs

Рыбачить To fish

Ночевать в палатке To camp

Гулять по сосновому лесу To walk in a pine forest

Мы плывём на лодке по Волге We're sailing on a boat down the Volga river

Встречать гостей To welcome guests

Ехать в гости To go to visit someone

Russian Summer Vocabulary

Russian Summer Escapes

Wondering where you can escape to this summer? Here is a suggestion for the best places to visit in Russia during the summer season.

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