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How to Talk About Sleep in Russian | A1+

Writer: YanaYana

Updated: Apr 8, 2022

Russian Sleep

Sleep is something you love, no doubt. Then why not say it in Russian? Sleep plays an essential role in your life, making it an ideal topic to study in Russian. In this lesson, I’ll show you how to say "good night", discuss the quality of sleep, talk about sleeping habits and more in Russian.

Preparing for Sleep

You probably have your own bedtime routine for a night of healthy sleep (здоровый сон). Here are some Russian phrases you might use as your eyelids (веки) get heavy, and you're preparing for sleep (готовиться ко сну):

  • Я устал(а) I'm tired

  • Сонный To be sleepy

  • Очень уставший To be exhausted

  • Пора спать! Time for bed!

This is the appropriate salutation for someone going to bed:

  • Спокойной ночи Good night

  • Сладких снов Sweet dreams

Russian Sleep

Places to Sleep

You likely sleep in a bed most nights, but what if you travel or go camping? Let's build your vocabulary around these sleep location words:

  • Кровать Bed

  • Кушетка Couch

  • Койка Bunk

These words can be used to describe bunk beds, hostel arrangements, or sleeping accommodation on a train or boat.

  • Спальный вагон Sleeping car

This word describes the part of the train where bunks are located.

  • Спальный мешок Sleeping bag

  • Спать на свежем воздухе To sleep outdoors / in the fresh air

  • Спать под открытым небом To sleep out in the open

  • Спать под звёздами To sleep under the stars

Yes, fresh air is good for your sleep!

Russian Sleep

Going to Sleep

When you go to sleep, you're likely to say or do the following:

  • Идти спать To go to sleep

  • Ложиться спать To go to bed

  • Закрывать глаза To close one's eyes

  • Засыпать To fall asleep

  • Споки Night-night (inf.)

  • Укрывать(ся) одеялом To tuck in

  • Спи сладко! Sleep well!

  • Пусть тебе приснится чудо! May you dream of a miracle!

Russian Sleep

Waking Up

Night owls (сова) and morning larks (жаворонок) alike, it's time to get up!

  • Будильник прозвенел An alarm clock rang

  • Просыпаться рано / поздно To wake up early / late

  • Вставать с постели To get out of bed

  • Ты проспал! You overslept!

  • Утренняя разминка Morning workout

  • Начинать утро To start the morning

  • Умыться To wash up

  • Принять душ To take a shower

  • Утренний кофе Morning coffee

  • Завтракать To have Breakfast

Russian Sleep

Describing Sleep in Russian

Sleep is a common topic of small talk. Be prepared for the inevitable question:

  • Как спалось? How did you sleep?

Here are some possible answers:

  • Я хорошо / плохо спал I slept well / badly

  • Спать как младенец To sleep like a baby

  • Я видел розовых слоников во сне I saw pink elephants in my dream

  • Я ворочался всю ночь I was tossing and turning all night

  • Я не мог уснуть I couldn't sleep

  • У меня бессонница I have insomnia

  • Мне снились кошмары! I had nightmares!

Russian Sleep

I hope that tonight you will спать как младенец.

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