Searching for the perfect Russian words for your Christmas and New Year cards? In this lesson, you’ll find your festive Russian greetings perfect for the holiday season.

Happy New Year
Your priority is to learn how to say “Happy New Year” in Russian.
After you’ve mastered the pronunciation of "С Новым годом!", use it as your number one phrase for New Year greetings.
Merry Christmas
Christmas in Russia is celebrated on January 7th. The date is different because the Russian Orthodox Church uses the old 'Julian' (rather than Gregorian) calendar for religious celebration days. The Russians say "С Рождеством!".
Happy Holidays
If you get tired of saying "С Новым годом!" or "С Рождеством!" over and over, you can switch to "Счастливых праздников!" (“Happy Holidays!”) or "С наступающими праздниками!" (lit. translates best wishes on the “Upcoming Holidays”), which is a great way to greet someone and catch all the season’s events together, especially if you’re not sure whether they celebrate Christmas or not.
Feel free to share the New Year cards used in this article with your friends and colleagues.

All the best in the New Year
“Всего наилучшего в новом году!” or “Всех благ в новом году!” which means "All the best in the New Year!" is a more pleasant and also more advanced way to greet someone in Russian.
Good health and prosperity in the New Year
"Крепкого здоровья и благополучия в новом году!" which means “Good health and prosperity in the New Year!”, is one of the most common holiday greetings as wishing good health during the holiday season is only natural. You can also wish "Счастья, удачи и больших побед в новом году!" ("Happiness, luck and big victories in the New Year!").
I wish you ...
Another way to wish someone happy holidays is to tell them "Желаю вам мира, счастья и любви в новом году!" which means "Wishing you peace, happiness and love in the New Year!".

May the New Year bring ...
Sometimes, even though you’ve sent many good wishes and holiday greetings, you’d like to be a little more specific in what kind of happiness you wish to someone in the New Year. Here’s a phrase that does just that: Пусть новый год принесёт только радость, улыбки, приятные сюрпризы и великолепные новости! ("May the New Year bring joy, smiles, pleasant surprises and great news!").

Now let's see how well you remember these Russian greetings. Click anywhere on the flashcard to flip it over and reveal the Russian translation. Click on the sound symbol to practise your pronunciation.
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