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How to Say “Good Luck” in Russian | A1+

Updated: Apr 22, 2022

Russian Good luck

Wishing someone good luck is a gesture of support. Expressing this kindness can also help establish closer relationships. In this lesson, you'll learn different ways to say “good luck!” in Russian.


"Удачи" is by far the simplest translation of “good luck.” And for most occasions, it will serve you well as a meaningful way to express your good wishes.

Sometimes you want to add a bit more to your sentence to specify exactly what it is that you are wishing the person good luck on.

Some examples:

  • Удачи на собеседовании! Good luck with your interview!

  • Удачи на экзамене! Good luck with the exam!

  • Удачи на новом месте работы! Good luck with your new job!

However, you generally use the preposition "с" if you are referring to a concrete thing or person (as opposed to an event, which is a bit more abstract):

  • Удачи с твоим новым начальником. Good luck with your new boss.

  • Удачи со свекровью. Good luck with your mother-in-law.

  • Удачи с машиной. Good luck with the car.

Russian Good Luck

The verb "желать"

The verb желать means “to wish.”

As with English, you can use the verb желать to wish someone luck.

This Russian verb is conjugated as a regular first group conjugation verb:

  • Я желаю I wish

  • Ты желаешь You (singular, informal) wish

  • Он/Она желает He/She wishes

  • Мы желаем We wish

  • Вы желаете You (plural/formal) wish

  • Они желают They wish

Here are a few examples to help:

  • Я желаю тебе удачи. I wish you good luck.

  • Мы желаем вам удачи. We wish you good luck.

  • Они желают мне удачи. They wish me good luck.

Other Ways to Say “good luck”

As in English, the Russian language has a rich collection of colourful metaphors to express good wishes for someone.

Here are a few of them:

  • Удачи вам во всём. Good luck with everything.

  • — Ни пуха, ни пера. — К чёрту.Break a leg. — Thanks.

  • Пусть удача будет с тобой! May good luck be with you!

  • Я держу пальцы скрещёнными. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

  • Успехов! Wish you lots of success!

  • Всего наилучшего! All the best!

Russian Good Luck

And a few more:

  • Верь в себя. Believe in yourself.

  • Порви их. Go get 'em

  • Вернись легендой! Come back a legend!

  • Ты справишься. You'll be fine.

  • Очень надеюсь, что всё получится. I do hope things go well for you

  • Пусть тебе повезёт! I wish you luck!

  • Пусть удача будет на твоей стороне! May luck be in your favour!

  • Повезёт в следующий раз. Better luck next time.

Russian Good Luck

Learn these Russian phrases to say thanks to your well-wishers:

  • Спасибо! Thanks!

  • Спасибо за добрые пожелания. Thanks for the kind wishes.

  • Большое спасибо за пожелания. Many thanks for the wishes.

  • Я тоже желаю тебе... I also wish you...

  • И вам того же! The same to you!

  • Надеюсь на это. I hope so.

  • Будем надеяться на лучшее. Let's hope for the best.

  • Надеюсь, твои пожелания сбудутся. I hope your wishes come true.

  • Было бы неплохо. Would not be a bad idea!

  • Ничего лучшего и желать нельзя. I couldn't wish for anything better.

  • Хорошо бы! Would be nice!

Russian Good Luck

Next time the opportunity arises, try out one of these good luck expressions and make someone’s day.

Удачи с русским языком!

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1 Comment

Alexander Smith
Alexander Smith
Jul 27, 2023

Hi. You have chosen a cool language to learn. But it seems to me he is very difficult to understand on the letter. I would recommend making video lessons, it seems to me that it fits better by ear and is more accessible to understanding. You can use any application from this list

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